What to Expect After Full Teeth Extractions: A Leading Visionary in Dental Care

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What to Expect After Full Teeth Extractions: A Leading Visionary in Dental Care

Jul 01, 2022

What Are Tooth Extractions?

They are dental procedures that permanently remove natural teeth from the oral cavity. A dentist at Port Hueneme dental will detach a tooth from its jawbone under unique circumstances such as advanced disease or severe dental trauma. In many cases, tooth extractions refer to the removal of one tooth.

However, tooth extractions in Port Hueneme can entail multiple tooth removal. A dentist can recommend removing all your natural teeth during one dental procedure. Ideally, there is no limit to the number of teeth that a dentist can remove within one dental sitting.

Why Would a Dentist Recommend Multiple Tooth Removal?

It is one thing to remove one natural tooth and a different one to perform full-teeth extractions. Dentists at All Care Dental by the Sea rarely recommend such dental protocols unless under the following circumstances:

  1. Advanced periodontal disease – if you have severe periodontitis, it could be that your teeth have already fallen off. A compromised gum and bone framework weakens the stability of teeth. A dentist may recommend full-teeth extractions if the periodontal infection has already harmed all your teeth.
  2. Dental trauma – after an accident or injury, you may suffer significant teeth fractures. Many patients require multiple tooth extractions after dental traumas.
  3. Need for full dentures – if you insist on getting complete dentures to replace your lost teeth, your dentist must remove all your natural teeth. Ideally, patients who require full dentures have more lost teeth than those remaining. Extracting the remaining few teeth is not ill-advised but rather a pursuit of a restored perfect smile.
  4. Infection and abscess – an underlying infection is enough a reason for removing one tooth. However, if the infection is too advanced, enough to put your entire oral and general health at risk, you may need full-teeth extractions.

What to Expect After Full Teeth Extractions

If you must prepare for life after removing a single tooth, anticipate more changes after multiple tooth extractions. The good news is you will not undergo any pain or discomfort during the extraction process. Local anesthesia and sedation dentistry come in handy in promoting comfort, calmness, relaxation, and painless experiences during tooth extractions. However, after your treatment, you must anticipate the following matters:

  • Recovery Time

Recovering from oral surgeries takes time. Besides, you will need time to heal your entire mouth with multiple extraction sites. The recovery time can last between 7 and 14 days for your gums to heal. However, even after the first two weeks, you will need to be gentle as your jawbone fully heals. After the first two weeks, you can be ready to complete your restorative treatment with complete dentures.

  • Pain Management

Managing pain is a real issue for single-tooth extractions, leave alone full-teeth removal. Your mouth will feel very tender, delicate, swollen, and sore. These symptoms will stick for the first 7 days or so. The more you heal, the fewer of the symptoms you will experience.

A crucial part of pain management is taking prescribed medication. The medicine will help alleviate swelling and pain and minimize the risk of infection.

How to Take Care of Your Mouth After the Procedure

Once you know what to expect after full-teeth extractions, you can better set yourself up for success for the first two weeks post-treatment. Some of the crucial things to help you manage your recovery time after full-mouth extractions are:

  1. Rest – actively take time to rest during your recovery period. Resting allows the body to concentrate on healing the oral cavity. Resting also entails avoiding putting your mouth under constant movements and functions.
  2. Take your medication – to treat pain and reduce the risk of infection to your extraction wounds.
  3. Keep a clean mouth – you may not have any teeth to brush, but you still need to preserve good oral hygiene. Use a clean cloth to wipe the surfaces of your oral cavity and scrape the tongue from food residue. Use the mouthwash recommended by your dentist to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your mouth.
  4. Eat healthily – your meals may all be soft foods, but it does not mean they cannot be healthy. Healthy foods give your body the necessary nutrients to keep healing. Besides, skipping meals is not an option.

Hydrate – drink a lot of water to keep your mouth moist. However, avoid forceful and excessive rinsing that may dislodge the blood clots forming on your extraction wounds.

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